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  1. I was wondering about many of the things yo addresses in this post. You have cleared a few things up. Thanks for the great tips!

    1. Tracie Fobes says:

      I am so glad I could help!

  2. Hello! I recently had a pin of mine go viral and I was extremely excited. It has been almost two weeks since and I’m still getting lots of traffic from the one post. I’m trying to figure out how to make it happen again 🙂 Great advice, thanks!

    1. Tracie Fobes says:

      Congrats! That viral pin is a great feeling, isn’t it?! I hope you can have it happen again soon!

  3. Hi Tracie! So if I buy Social Warfare and it’s installed – if someone pins my picture – it will automatically resize the image for that platform? Is that right and it will resize for the other platforms right? I wanted to make sure I understood.

    Thanks, Kelly

    1. Tracie Fobes says:


      You will actually create different sized images for the different social media platforms and upload that image to that platform. So, you can have one size on your blog and then one for Pinterest. When they go to pin, the image which pulls will be the one you have in your plugin.

  4. Thanks for sharing all that information! I didn’t realize there were so many things you could do to affect your pin rates!

    1. Tracie Fobes says:

      You are so welcome! And it is crazy, isn’t it?!

  5. Great info! I found the tip on when to pin seasonal content especially helpful. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Tracie Fobes says:

      Glad that you were able to pick up some tips!

  6. Hi Tracie! I didn’t realize I should keep pinning and repining my own pin to my boards. Doesn’t that get to be pin overload? Or, how often should I do it?

    One more question – how often would you post the same pin to a group board?


    1. Tracie Fobes says:

      It does not cause overload because you are also going to continue to pin other people’s content to your own boards as well. I try to wait at least 3 – 4 weeks before pinning something to the same board once again. That way, the other prior pin is further down on the board and it does not look spammy.

      As far as the group boards, there are sometimes rules. Some may so no duplicate pins ever, others once a month. So, make sure you follow that. If no rules, I still try to wait 3 – 4 weeks before pinning something again.

      1. Thank you!! One woman told me to wait 3 months and that seemed excessive.
        Kristin 🙂

  7. Hi Tracie,

    Thanks for the very informative post! I just started my blog a few months ago and one of my pins just went viral I I had to hurry up and create an email opt in to start collecting emails. ????. I Did you use proper title and SEO for Google and Pinterest. I repinned it a few times and shared it on tailwind. Then I did nothing for two weeks. I guess you never know when it could happen-But if anyone is reading this make sure you are prepared if it does!

    1. Tracie Fobes says:

      That is the beauty of the viral pin (or the annoyance). You just never know! That is why you always want to put your best foot forward.

  8. Hey. I am just starting to try and leverage Pinterest. This was definitely helpful!

    1. Tracie Fobes says:

      Happy to hear that!!

  9. great post, i like this ..

  10. Hi! I’ve been doing Pinterest marketing for 6 months with only minimal results. I found point 2 particularly interesting. I didn’t know that the older pins need to be repinned to the boards at regular intervals. I will try that now. Is there any recommended time gap between pinning to board twice,

    1. Tracie Fobes says:

      You will want to repin those pins every 4 – 5 months onto the same boards. Pinterest loves fresh content but that does not mean you should not pin your existing images more than once.

  11. Now, I Knot That Pinterest Is Good Enough for our blog. With the right PIN we can make our blog post being viral. Pinterst is one of the useful social media that can increase our traffic

    1. Tracie Fobes says:

      Yep – a proper pinnable image is key to getting more traffic from Pinterest.

  12. This was so helpful! I liked what you said about creating image titles with intent and that they don’t need to be the same as the actual title of the article. This is so true. For example if you are comparing these two titles ‘ Why It’s Ok To Be On Your Own’ Vs ‘8 Reasons Why It’s Ok To Be On Your Own’ the latter would most likely generate more clicks because it has a number in the title.

    1. Tracie Fobes says:

      I am so glad it was helpful! The more we can do to make those clickable titles the more traffic we will see!

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